Thursday, September 19, 2013

Kevin Henkes Author Study

Hello! For the past 3 weeks we have been working hard and having fun as we studied Kevin Henkes. The students did a fabulous job. Below we will take you through our journey.

First, we learned about Kevin Henkes by reading a bio and watching a video about him on his website. We made this list of things we learned and posted some pictures of him in our room.

As we read books we filled out this chart. Students were getting very good at identifying the main character, setting, problem and solution in each story.

Here are all the books we read by Kevin Henkes. (We didn't fill out the chart on a few of them.)

For Chrysanthemum we did a Name Art activity.
(By Bryonna)

For Sheila Rae The Brave we drew a map of the crazy route she took from school to home.
(By Calley)

For Lily's Purple Plastic Purse we wrote about our prized Possessions.

For Jessica we drew pictures leaving "empty spots" for our imaginary friends like Kevin Henkes did.
(By Rebecca)

Some others:

For Wemberly Worried we wrote about our worries we shouldn't worry about.
(By Aiden)

For Julius The Baby Of The World we did a scrapbook page about Lily. (This was our third book we read with Lily in it.)
(By Nolan)

To wrap up the unit we worked hard to illustrate a scene from our favorite Kevin Henkes book and wrote why it was our favorite book. (They are all hanging in the hall now and they will be up for Curriculum Night on October 3rd for everyone to see!)
(By Hailey)

Look how hard they worked on their final projects:

We looked back at the books for inspiration!

We worked hard on our writing!

We are even working on backing our own work.

We had a wonderful time with this unit! Ask you child was his/her favorite book(s) were and why! There are many other wonderful books by Kevin Henkes we didn't have time to get to. Enjoy this wonderful author's work!

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