Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Our First Day!

Whew! We were busy today in room 4. Today was filled with so many routines, morning work, 3 read-alouds, 3 recesses, lunch, music, writing, choice time, friendship salad for snack, a class web exercise and a school tour. Your children were troopers! I was amazed at how well they did. The first day is tough, but so are the next two.

A few fun/silly facts:
- First student to ask about recess: 8:30
- First student to ask about lunch: 9:00
- First student to ask about going home: 10:30

*The reason these make me giggle is because I expect them to ask. Your sweet children just came off of summer break and before that, they were only in school for half a day. This transition to a longer day is so difficult, but it will get better each day. (I was hungry, too!)

Here are my favorite parts of our day:
- ALL students worked hard and had smiles on their faces!
- I learned that several kids also like chocolate chip cookies like me! :)
- I heard about their favorite summer activities.
- How excited the students were about our Friendship Salad!
- Starting to learn more about each student.

Here are what the students said when I asked them, "What was your favorite part of your first day of first grade?"

“Having lunch.”
“Having friends.”
“My favorite thing was recess.”
“My favorite part was having lunch.”
“My favorite thing was recess.”
“I liked playing toys.”
“The whole thing.”
“I liked music class.”
“I liked recess.”
“My favorite part of the day is when we were playing on the purple play structure.”
“My favorite thing was recess.’
“I liked snack and lunch.”

Thank you parents for sharing your children with me. We are going to have a fantastic year!

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