Thursday, February 6, 2014

Shadows, Snowflakes and Smiles

On Wednesday we had some sun! After learning about shadows last week, we finally were able to take pictures of our shadows! Scroll slowly to see the shadow, then guess whose shadow, then see who made the shadow!

 Today we woke up to falling snow! It was beautiful! We got to come to school today (until we went home early at 12). We bundled up and went outside for a few quick minutes to take some snow pictures! They were so excited!

 During recess (indoor) I taught some students how to make snowflakes! It was so fun!

We had a fun day celebrating the snow with pictures, a poem, books, a movie, indoor recess and an early dismissal. We tried to make up for the fact that our winter program got cancelled for tonight. No worries, it will happen next Wednesday the 12th!

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