Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Choice Time

Everything below this paragraph was completely designed by students. I used an app called Edutopia on the iPad to take notes for them. I used a software called Reflector to have my ipad mirrored through my computer and projector so students could see how things were going to be, for the most part. When a student raised their hand to suggest an addition to the post, all I said was what do you want to say and where should it go? I was so impressed. I know they will get better each time! I took a screen shot of their plan. That is at the very bottom below then post.

We work hard to try and earn choice time because it is so so much fun.

We get picked by our sticks.

You get to play with your favorite toy. 

We get to color on paper. We get to play with blocks. 

We get to play Lincoln logs and Legos.

We get to play with geoboards.

We get to play dominoes.

We get to play unifix cubes. We get to play with foam blocks.

We get to play with puzzles.

These are the pictures.

We get to play with sentence puzzles.

When we are done with choice our teacher tells us. The teacher tells us to clean up when we're all done. Then we clean up quietly and safely. Then when we're done, we go to the carpet. When we clean then we wait until our teacher says a row.

We have fun playing blocks.

On choice time we can't move to other tables and don't do anything else. You have to stay where you are.

As you can see they worked very hard. I still think they picked the topic of choice time because they thought they would get choice time... Their faces looked sad when I said we we're taking only 2 pictures like they told me for the blog. Next time I suspect more picture additions buy them. :)

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Recycling Creations

This past week was all about recycling! Our days included reading about recycling, listening to stories about recycling and making our own creations from recycled materials! On Wednesday I started taking pictures of the students while they were working on their creations. Kids quickly started noticing saying "Mrs. Bowers is taking pictures of us!" My favorite comment to follow was by Albert, "Put them on the blog right now!" I told him I couldn't right away, but I definitely would! All the kids were excited to share their creations with you. 

On Tuesday we made our plans. Here are a few of their plans:

On Wednesday we began building our creations:

On Thursday we finished working on our creations:

 On Friday we shared our creations! They were very creative creations:

Thanks to everyone who sent in recycled materials to help us make our creations!

Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentine's Day!

Last week we celebrated Valentine's Day. Here is what we did to celebrate this holiday!

We made checkerboard hearts. We chose 2 colors and colored every other square, row by row to make it look like a checkerboard.

We also made marble painted hearts. They are hanging on our windows.

We followed step-by-step directions to create a "Love Bug" Cookie.

 We opened our Valentines!

Thanks to all the families who helped by bringing stuff in for our party! It was a lot of fun!