Saturday, August 3, 2013

A Few Of My Favorite Days

Today: For the past week and a half I've been anxious and excited about today. The day I would finally be able to get back into our classroom! I look so forward to this day all summer long. I get to return to our classroom where the floors are freshly waxed and shiny! I bring in armfuls of school supplies, garage sale finds and new ideas for the year ahead. I pull out all the things I stuffed into cabinets at the end of the last school year. This is what the room looks like right now:

We will call that picture the 'before' picture. Obviously I have a lot of work to do! I love coming in on my own time, a little bit each day to reassemble our classroom. My creative juices are flowing and I can dream of all that can become during this next school year.

Family Visitation: In just under 3 weeks I will get to meet all of my new students and their families at our family visitation night! It is one of my favorite nights. I hope all of you can make it!

Right around then I will post our 'after' pictures. Those pictures however may be more appropriately named our 'starting' pictures because this room will quickly change more and more into our place as we add student pictures, work and so much more!

First Day of School: Yes, we have less than a month until the first day of school! As a child I looked forward to this day all summer long and I still do! I remember the anticipation of meeting my new teacher, seeing my classroom, seeing old friends, shiny new school supplies and wearing my new first day of school outfit. Now as the teacher I think about how each of my students are looking forward to this day, too. Yet, some are nervous, anxious, scared or unsure. I look forward to the first day because it's when I get to start making connections with my students.

Each of these special times are coming and I sit here smiling as I think about our year ahead! I hope you and your child are enjoying these last wonderful weeks of summer. Start your countdown for family visitation night!

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