Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Our Year Ahead!


It's about this time in the summer where I realize how much I LOVE my job. We've been on summer vacation for less than a month and in about 2 months school starts again. I think more and more each day about the new students, the first days of school, new ideas for decorating, purchasing school supplies and curriculum. 

This summer each of us 1st grade teachers are designing a new unit to freshen up our themes we teach. Through these themes we incorporate reading, writing, math, science, social studies, art, teamwork and so much more. I mentioned in my first post that I'm taking a technology class this summer. I learned about easel.ly a free website where you can create visuals for anything you want. I created this visual below to show our themes for the year ahead. Take a look at what you/your child will be learning about this year!

As I look at all of these themes I become so excited about the things your child will get to share with you this year. I'm looking forward to future posts that include student photos, student work and student voices about these themes!

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