Saturday, April 19, 2014

aARgh! It's what a pirate says!

An important sound we teach in 1st grade is the sound 'ar' makes. To help kids remember this sound we refer to it as the "pirate sound." This year we decided to dedicate a week to a pirate theme to help our students learn and remember this important sound!

We read pirate books at read aloud time, read pirate themed books during reading groups, made pirate hats, made a list of 'ar' words, had a pirate themed PE game, wrote about what we would say, wear and do if we were pirates, went on a treasure hunt for 'ar' words, made a pirate to look like ourselves, illustrated a picture to go with a pirate poem and wrote a pirate story together.

Here are pictures from some of our pirate adventures this past week.

We created a list of many words with the 'ar' sound!

 We made our own lists of our favorite 'ar' words. We also created pirate hats we wore all week!

Then we used our list and our creative minds to create ourselves as pirates. I was impressed with their creativity. One student purposely left an arm off, claiming he was a one-armed pirate!

On Wednesday we answered clues from our treasure map and went out into our school to find our treasure. Below is an example of how the treasure looked throughout the school. Each 1st grade class had a different color of clues/treasure.

Here students are searching for their treasure!

Students returned to show off their clue and treasure!

We added our treasure to our treasure map!

To end our week we wrote a story together using what we had learned about pirates and our 'ar' words we found in our treasure hunt!

Hope you had fun enjoying our pirate adventure! Sorry for not posting in awhile, upon returning from spring break we were so busy with a unit on force and motion that I forgot to take pictures and blog! Hoping to get back to our weekly posts! :)

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