Friday, January 24, 2014

Group Penguin Reports

This week we had school wide-DIBELS testing, which meant a week off from reading groups. We spent that time researching penguins in small groups.

First we talked about what group work was. (I forgot to take a picture of our anchor chart, so here is what I can remember!) They came up with this definition:

Groups of people working together to get something done.

We talked about what a good group member was. They came up with:
- kind
- respectful
- helpful
- doesn't leave others behind
- puts things in the middle
- shares

We learned what it mean to COMPROMISE. We said we could do one of these things when we needed to compromise:
- Take turns using ideas.
- Use part of both people's ideas.
- Vote.

They did an amazing job working together! I was so impressed!

Here are some adorable pictures of them working together as groups:

This next week they will share their penguin reports with their classmates. I can't wait to see how they all do!

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