Thursday, December 19, 2013

What A Month!!

Phew! We made it to Christmas Break! (Although it feels like this is the start of Christmas Break #2 this year.) Our ONLY full week in December was a fantastic week. (Dec. 2-5) The students returned after Thanksgiving Break ready to go. I was so impressed with how well they did after a week off for Thanksgiving! We worked hard as we began to make our Christmas gifts for parents, create our holiday art projects and learn how to hook you reader when you write! Ask your child to tell you about the 4 types of hooks! (Question, Sound, Exclamation and Word Picture)

On Friday of that first week we awoke to a beautiful white view. I don't think any of us could have expected that much snow! It was a bonus that it fell on a no school day! As we all know that snow unfortunately stuck around a LONG time causing us to miss several school days. I was so sad that we missed an entire week and our field trip, but was so glad everyone was safe at home. I enjoyed seeing kids having fun outside and especially enjoyed watching the 1st and 2nd grade basketball teams play each other that week.

Knowing we only had 4 days left until Christmas Break, my team teachers and I worked hard to figure out how to fit 2 weeks into 1 week. (Or at least as much as we could!) Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we worked HARD! The students amazed me as we all worked as a team to fit everything in. Wednesday night when we got the call that school was to be cancelled Thursday, I was so thankful we had worked so hard earlier in the week, but was SO sad I wasn't going to get to say Merry Christmas and goodbye to my students. Plus, they didn't have their gifts for parents or gifts for me! My team-teachers and I decided we would spend Thursday delivering the gifts to our students! It was such a blessing to deliver those today. The shocked faces of kids in jammies and smiles on their faces made our deliveries that much better! I hope that all of you have a wonderful Christmas Break.

During our first week the students had planned to create a post about our Christmas art project. Below are pictures from this project and words from the students.

"We love doing tissue paper art!"

"I love tissue paper art!"

"We love our things!"

"We liked doing it!"

"We like doing the hands and the hat."

"We like our snowmen and wreaths when they're done with all the stuff."


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