Saturday, November 9, 2013


This is an exciting post because it's the first post where the students chose the theme, told me what words should be on the blog and chose the pictures. All I did was write, take pictures, type and upload pictures. They brainstormed several wonderful ideas which we will post about over the weeks to come. So here is what they had to say about recess:

"I like to play basketball." 
"I like to play in the structure." - Albert
"I like hula hooping." - Calley
"I like playing with a big jump rope." - Rebecca

"I like to play on the yellow spinning tube."
"I like playing on the swings." - Taylor
"I like to have fun at recess." - Bryonna
"I like to play on the purple monkey bars." - Travis

"I like to go to the big slide." - Emma
"I like to play on the yellow monkey bars." - Pacey
"I like to play on the swings." - Aleah
"I like to play wall ball." - Juvanna

"I like playing on the monkey bars." - Savannah
"I like to go down the pole." - Evan
"I like to play on the yellow pole." - Brayden
"I like to play on the grass." - Nolan
"I like to go down the pole." - Isaac

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