Saturday, June 14, 2014

Sharing With Next Years 1st Graders

I cannot believe that in just 2 more school days our school year wraps up. This school year has been a fantastic one. 

Just 11 months ago I decided to start a class blog not knowing how it would go this year. I wondered if I would be able to keep up with it, if the students would like it, if the parents would look at it and so much more. This blog has been a wonderful experience for all involved. I have had fun showing off my students and their creativity and hard work. The students have learned a lot and have enjoyed sharing it. I love when they say, "Take pictures so we can put this on the blog!" Parents have enjoyed seeing snapshots of what happens in our class each week and have enjoyed sharing it with family and friends near and far. I will definitely continue the blog next year with my next group of students. 

I asked the students to think about what they would like to share with next years group of 1st graders. They had some wonderful ideas, some of which they chose to share and others which were only shared verbally. They created the video below, which I will share with next years group of students. As a teacher of course I wish they would share things like, "math is fun!" "I love reading groups!" "You will learn a lot." Etc. 

However, this is their work and their video. These were the things they wanted to share about and will probably be loved and cherished by next years students more than what I could've said. Enjoy this precious video!

Walking Field Trip

On Thursday as a culmination to our map unit, we took a walking field trip around our town. We highlighted our route on our maps before leaving so we could follow along as we walked. We stopped by the fire station, library, post office, city hall, our gazebo and the museum. At the fire station the wonderful firefighters had their water hoses out in a fun maze for us to walk through. At the library we heard a story acted out with puppets by the librarian called the Spider and The Fly. At the post office we mailed letters we had written to our friends in the envelopes we had addressed. At city hall we met the city manager, took a tour and received a sweet little goody bag. At the gazebo we enjoyed our sack lunches. At the museum we enjoyed a popsicle treat, walked through several parts of the museum and asked questions. The students were so well behaved and had a wonderful time!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Wallaby Visit

This past week a teacher from our middle school brought over her wallaby for a visit. The kids were very excited and enjoyed seeing an unfamiliar animal. Check out the cute pictures!