Friday, May 30, 2014


This week we had the privilege of working together with all of our first grade friends! To meet our new CCSS writing and technology standards we had students create a video presentation about insects. This project has been one of my top favorite integrated projects we've done this year. This included science, reading, speaking, listening, writing, teamwork and technology all into one fun project! Students created a written plan, took photos, chose speakers and recorded this presentation. We used a free, easy to use app called 30 Hands.  We hope you enjoy our presentation titled, Things About Insects.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


The jog-a-thon has got to be the event the kids look forward to most each year. They can hardly contain their excitement until they've ran and ran and ran and then they can barely stay awake all afternoon! Since we ran with all our other first grade friends I couldn't get as many pictures of just our class, but here are a few to share!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Bugs! Bugs! Bugs!

Last week we began a 5-week unit on insects. Students have learned that ALL insects have 3 main body parts: head, thorax and abdomen. They also have 6 legs, antennae and some have wings. We looked at how Eric Carle creates illustrations. He cuts apart pieces of painted-on tissue paper to make each pages illustration. We cut out different shapes to make our insects. Then we wrote a poem about bugs using adjectives and nouns. Take a look at their art below!:

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Grass Seed Day!

If you didn't know, we live in the Grass Seed Capital of the world. Last Thursday we had the privilege of local grass seed farmer Nick Bowers from Tydan Farms visiting our first grade classrooms. The students enjoyed a presentation where they learned how grass effects their lives. We learned that Farmer Nick makes grass, cows eat grass, cows make milk, which makes cheese, ice cream and so much more! He did a fabulous job showing our young students why grass is important and it connects to them.

After that we rotated through three areas. In one room we planted grass seed. In another we read a story about a boy who found out where each vegetable in his soup was grown and enjoyed a cheese stick snack. This story, Who Grew My Soup by Tom Darbyshire was given to us through Oregon's AITC, Ag In The Classroom. Outside we got to look at 2 huge combines and a disc. The students loved seeing the farm equipment! Take a look at some pictures below from our day!

Local news station, KEZI 9 came to watch and aired this clip from our day. Click below to see the movie:

Here is what our grass looks like just 1 week later! Our hair is getting wild!