Monday, March 24, 2014

Elements of Art Part 2

Well... it's the first official day off for spring break and I just realized I forgot to post last week! We had a busy week right before break. Since we last posted the students have worked hard on two other art projects to end our art unit.

First students thought about their favorite outdoor place to create a landscape of. We had learned about background, middle ground and foreground. The students learned about perspective and took everything else they had learned about color, texture and shape to create these beautiful landscapes:

Our final project was crayon art. Students chose crayons in one of the following categories that we had learned about: Primary colors, Secondary colors, Monochromatic colors, Rainbow colors, Warm colors or Cool colors. Look at how amazing these turned out:

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Elements Of Art

2 weeks ago I attended a tech conference in Portland. I told the students I would be learning new ways to use my iPad in the classroom. One app I learned about is called 30 Hands. It's a great, easy to use app that allows you to make video presentations with photos, drawings and your voice. I created a tutorial for how to use the 30 Hands app, with the 30 Hands app. Here is that tutorial:

It's a free app and you may want to download it for your child to use at home! 

They created a video presentation using 30 Hands to share about the first part of our unit on the Elements of Art. Here is their video: 
Didn't they do a wonderful job?!

Part 2 of our art unit coming next week!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Classroom Party

We are going to all share our item. We get to do favorite persons we like.

Everybody is going to call on two people. Everybody gets to choose which item they would like to pick. Our class party is so much fun.  

** All of the above work is by students. In our previous post you read, I thought them reflecting back would be a great idea. They did a wonderful job of reflecting. Great ideas were shared such as: Add more pictures. Make our words longer. Make it so all people are in the pictures and on the blog. Then when we got to planning I think the excitement of the topic was too distracting. No worries! We will reflect again and take a look back at some our favorite past posts to do a better job next time! In all fairness, we actually had 5 days of school this week, we were minutes away from a class party and we had spent an hour and a half without electricity today. We heard a squirrel and a transformer collided! :)